Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ice Cream Bon Bons

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! I'm going to let you all in on a secret, are you ready?? I have a confession to make...I have a sweet tooth, okay, maybe its not so secret after all but are you guys aware that the sweet tooth is the #1 reason for ruined summer physiques? Alright, alright, I made that up too. Maybe sweets are my own personal physique messer-upper but you know what, I will never give them up. What I will do is make it easier for me to indulge in a treat without having to jog a 1/2 marathon to burn off the calories. These ice cream bon bons are big enough to satisfy my craving but small enough to indulge without feeling guilty. Whats even better is that the chocolate coating is a super easy homemade magic ingredients I can't pronounce, just some yummy chocolate and coconut oil.
Homemade pistachio or Double chocolate chip, such hard decisions!
Super simple "Magic Shell"
Chilled and ready to enjoy!
Ice Cream Bon Bons

Scoop 10-12 portions of ice cream (my cookie scoop is 1.5 tablespoons) on a parchment lined plate or cookie sheet, make sure it fits in the freezer.
Freeze ice cream balls for at least 2 hours (longer if you portions are big), overnight is preferred. You want them very firm for ease of handling.
When ready to dip, warm "Magic Shell" so that it is thin and runny but not hot to the touch.
Now for the fun part, dipping! You can dip using your hands which is easy but messy or you can use two spoons. You have to work fast because the chocolate hardens pretty quickly due to the cold ice cream.
Dip your ice cream balls and place on a parchment lined plate and freeze for 10-15 minutes.

Can be stored in any airtight container.

Yield: as many as you want :-)

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